Sta. Clara International Corporation
Building your way to the future
Posted 3 years ago
Job Summary:
A First Aider is responsible to provide a first aid treatment in the event of an injury or illness.
Detailed Job Description:
- Provides appropriate first aid treatment in the absence of a medical practitioner.
- Manages the incident and ensures the continuing safety of themselves, bystanders and the casualty
- Assesses casualties and finds out the nature & cause of their injuries
- Arranges for further medical help or other emergency services to attend (e.g: the fire service)
- Prioritizes casualties based upon medical need
- If able, makes notes/observations of casualties
- Ensure First Aid Area is neat , clean, properly stock and meets the requirement of OSH Standards
- Ensures First Aid supplies and equipment are available
- Fills out any paperwork as required
- Provides a handover when further medical help arrives
- Other related duties that may be assigned from time to time.